Mar 8th 2024

Vive Latino Festival Update

“Dear Mexican Fans
Knowing that some of our most amazing diehard fans live in Mexico, it is with a heavy heart that I have to let you know, Scorpions will not be performing at the Vive Latino Festival on the 16th March 2024 in Mexico City.

The reason we have had to cancel is because I recently underwent a complex spine surgery , and my doctors expected me to be better and back on my feet in time for the show.

I am making good progress with my rehab, but unfortunately, I have not recovered as expected and after talking with my medical team, I am advised that a 12-hour flight time and performing at 2000 meters altitude is a tough one for anybody and I am not well enough to travel and to give you the show you all deserve.

I hope we can come back to Mexico soon, to Rock you Like a Hurricane!!!!!

I am so sorry for causing this inconvenience to all our loyal Mexican fans and to the excellent promoters, and hope, for your understanding.
Love….Klaus “